Friday, April 20, 2007

One possible explanation....

I'm not sure if this is link bait, or if Dinesh D'Souza is really this crassly opportunistic, but my money is on option B.
Where Is Atheism When Bad Things Happen?
Notice something interesting about the aftermath of the Virginia Tech
shootings? Atheists are nowhere to be found.

Could it be that atheists in general, and prominent atheists in particular (D'Souza mentions Richard Dawkins) have a sense of decency and compassion that restraints them from exploiting a time of great tragedy to attack competing belief systems? D'Souza's own belief system apparently doesn't encompass a sense of decency, as he grasps at straws with an incredibly silly argument in an attempt to malign his adversaries during this profoundly sad time.

No, you won't see atheists walking around Virginia Tech saying "told you so." However, it's not hard to envision fundamentalists doing precisely that on the streets of Dover, PA or downtown Orlando. That is, of course, if any of their predictions actually came true.

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